I really can’t be bothered to paint anymore – #art is a load of bollocks

Snow 077

Daub on the paint, wipe off the paint – yes it looks like a fucking wine bottle but you can’t drink it, taste it, smell it or smash it over somebody’s head in a fit of rage – so what use does ART have?

I really can’t be bothered to paint anymore – art is a load of bollocks and people who believe in this shit need to get a life.

powerThe only true pursuit for the creative process is the creation of the commodity. There are no such things as art schools, public art and art galleries, they are simply empty vessels containing and perpetuating the (economic) elitist stranglehold on the common man’s freedom to think for himself.

The powerful use art to bludgeon the weak into submission by edifying their wealth with totems and monuments to their self glory. [Read More]

Any person who calls themselves an artist should be ashamed of themselves – because they are a liar.

 LeTs MakE MoNey

Art blogs may also serve as a forum to reach out to anybody interested in art — be it painting, sculpture, print making, creative photography, video art, conceptual art or new media. In this way, they may be visited not only for the practitioners of different forms of art, but also collectors, connoisseurs, and critics.

There is no point in leaving your business web site with static content. Your website is not there to be admired like a still life painting or photograph, it has to be constantly changing or your visitors will get bored and all your clients will go elsewhere.

Smarter businesses and artists outsource their web content generation to companies who know how to extract the biggest impact with the least amount of words.

Business blogs are used by organisations to achieve corporate goals. The advantage of blogs over other web-based media is that posts and comments are easy to follow and are centralised on one host and platform (everything is in one place).  With this homogenised structure it is easier to engage the visitor in one virtual space. These blogs can then be distributed via Social media, linking back to what is effectively a business hub.

An out of date blog sends out the wrong signals to your clients, blogs that have more frequent and regular posting schedules tend to develop an audience and client base quicker.

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Memories: Dead birds and rubber gloves, stolen kisses, pouches of Chinese fresh drinking water, broken dreams, sections of discarded fishing nets strewn across the tourist beach, lovers in the darkness groping for the dark, hands first finding spaces, then they find there mark, my father, my ghost, my hopes and dreams, stinking of rotting carcasses [Read More]

The Defeatist: I have never been a true artist. The naked truth is I have been and still am a liar. The pointlessness of producing art for decoration and pleasure is a perverted masturbation fantasy – a process for the deluded mind. Art and its prettiness have no place in any intellectual society – it has no place in a capitalist society …

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