- My Website:
- http://www.thiswindow.org
- Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Was involved in the cassette / music side of mailart in the 1980’s /90’s. The whole idea of a network of artists connected by the postal system appealed to me and was an antidote to the stranglehold the ‘Art / Music’ establishment had over my creativity.
I have always considered mailart to be one of the major unsung heroes of Art History and every effort should be made to raise its profile.
Here are a few network related things I have done this millennium. http://www.thiswindow.org/Mail_Art/?cat=3
From profile page on: International Union of Mail-Artists – IUOMA
Related articles
- Who is Peter Bright? – from Wikipedia (morguegallery.com)
- Art_Rat (sitemaps-xml.com)
- WordPress for business (ukoptimisation.com)
- Art by mail or mail art? (sitemaps-xml.com)